"Requiem For A Stripper" drabbles by Christopher

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 196

Requiem For A Stripper #196

"Yeah," I said, "I can fill in the blanks. What's the second one?"

"The second was from a Horace Busby. He said he really needed to speak with you. His number is..."

"I've got his number. What's the third message?"

"It's from Jim Harrigan, left only a few minutes ago. It just said Found another one, call me. Do you have his number?"

I nodded, which was a waste of time because she couldn't see it.

"Yeah, I do. Thanks, Lorraine," I said and hung up. I didn't have any time for the flirty banter I usually shared with her...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 195

Requiem For A Stripper #195

I went back into the lobby and picked up the phone. I didn't think Bruno would mind. It was a local call, and besides, I'd be finished by the time he'd changed his clothes, anyway.

I called my answering service to see if I had any messages. Lorraine was on duty that day. I spent a lot of time wondering what she looked like.

"Hello, Jake," she said.

"Hey, Lorraine. Any messages?"

"Three. One from your apartment landlord. He said that your rent is overdue and if you didn't square it up soon you'd be out on your... Oh my..."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 194

Requiem For A Stripper #194

I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere with this chickie. She was frightened and self-centered to boot. Apparently a promise of a movie career was worth risking her life over.

"Next time you're at one of those parties, Miss Porter, take a look around and ask yourself if that's normal behavior."

"I will. I'm going to one tomorrow night."

"In Nichols Canyon?" I asked. She just stared.

I turned to leave and saw Bruno still standing there dripping. As I walked by I patted his shoulder and said, "Better get yourself dried off, Bruno. You'll catch your death."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 193

Requiem For A Stripper #193

"Miss Porter, these people that you're wanting to make a deal with are incredibly dangerous."

"It's a dangerous world, Mr. Randolph. You just proved that."

Bruno was still bobbing up and down yelling that he was drowning.

I turned and said, "You're in the shallow end, moron! Stand up!"

When he stood up and realized he wasn't drowning he looked at me with flames in his eyes. He started out of the pool and toward me.

"You want me to drag your ass to the deep end and toss you in, Bruno? Then keep coming!"

He stopped in his tracks...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 192

Requiem For A Stripper #192

"Okay, pal. Time for you to go," he said in a dismissive tone.

"I'll go when I'm done," I said without turning around.

"You're done," he said as he grabbed my left arm from behind.

I turned, grabbed him and tossed him into the pool. He splashed down as everyone surrounding the pool jumped up and began murmuring.

Bruno popped his head up and yelled, "I can't swim!"

"That's a shame, pal," I said as I looked back at Mindy. I think she was impressed by how I'd just manhandled the landlord.

Bruno kept splashing around like a wounded seal...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 191

Requiem For A Stripper #191

"It appeared Debra had contacts with some people high up in Hollywood. I was using her," Mindy said.

I wanted to say it seemed like she used a lot of people, but I needed that information.

"So that's why you went to the party? To make contact with movie producers?"

"Anyone that could help me further my career."

"Were there a lot of those types of people there?"

"You bet there were...," she trailed off, realizing she was giving me information I wanted.

"This guy bothering you, Mindy?" the front desk guy said from behind me.

"Yes, Bruno. He is."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 190

Requiem For A Stripper #190

"Miss Porter, Debra's brother Horace said you were friends with his sister. Is that how you regard your friends? As disposable tramps?"

She smirked, "Horace! Debra introduced me to him hoping I'd go out with him. He has the personality of a toilet brush and an intellect to match!"

Well, I couldn't argue with her there.

"And as far as Debra and me being friends, I met her at Hoofers. We talked a little, that's it! I did not want to be friends with her and I certainly did not want to date her meathead brother! What an absolute joke!"

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 189

Requiem For A Stripper #189

"Now, I need to know where that party was held and anything else you can tell me about these people," I said.

"Are you kidding me?" she asked with incredulity. "If what you're saying is true do you think I'm going to give you any information about these people?"

"Miss Porter, a woman is dead. And there are four more that may be in the same state."

"I don't care! These people promised me a movie career. You think I'm going to throw that away just because some tramps went missing and got themselves stabbed?"

What a cold hearted bitch...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 188

Requiem For A Stripper #188

"Now," I continued, "let me hip you to something you might not know. They pulled Debra Snow's naked body out of the Los Angeles Harbor near San Pedro last night. She had a stab wound in her back."

Her eyes inflated, "Is she dead?"

"Well, she certainly wasn't going for a late night swim, Miss Porter."

She brought her hand up to her mouth.

"Now, I've uncovered evidence to suggest the people whose party you went to up in Nichols Canyon are responsible for her death as well as the disappearances and possible deaths of at least four other strippers."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 187

Requiem For A Stripper #187

She pointed to a blue and white striped cabana chair next to hers and I sat down.

"Now, what was so important that you had to have a pretense to come and see me?"

"Do you know Debra Snow?" I asked. I saw her demeanor immediately change from friendly to unfriendly.

"Are you a cop?" she asked as she pulled her sunglasses down a little.

"No, Miss Porter. I'm a concerned citizen. Now I know that you knew Debra and I know you went to a party with her up in Nichols Canyon."

She started fidgeting in her cabana chair...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 186

Requiem For A Stripper #186

She was wearing a two-piece leopard print bathing suit that looked like it wasn't up for the job. She had on black cat eye sunglasses and was reading a movie magazine. She looked to be no more than about 20 years old.

"Mindy Porter?" I asked as I approached her.

"Yes?" she said as she looked up at me from her magazine.

"Is that for me?" she asked as she pointed to the box.

"No, I just used that as a pretense to get back here, Miss Porter."

She smiled, "That sounds mysterious. Sit down, Mister...?"

"Randolph. Jake Randolph."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 185

Requiem For A Stripper #185

He looked up at me. He looked at the box in my hand and said, "I'll take it, pal."

I shook my head, "It's C.O.D. And it has to be signed for."

He looked to the back of the bungalow, which was open to the pool area, and said, "She's out there by the pool. The one on the left. You can't miss her. The blonde that looks like a movie star."

"Thanks, pal," I said as I went around the desk and made my way toward the pool.

He wasn't kidding. The woman was so hot she was steaming...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 184

Requiem For A Stripper #184

The first bungalow, right in front of the pool, served as the lobby of the complex. There was a front desk with a guy behind it who looked like he pulled the wings off flies when he was a kid and then graduated to doing the same to birds. He looked like he might've been a former boxer. He had the physique for it as well as a cauliflower ear and a nose that definitely wasn't factory issue.

I went up to the desk and said, "Got a package for Mindy Porter. Can you tell me what bungalow she's in?"

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 183

Requiem For A Stripper #183

"I've got an errand you can run for me after breakfast," Jen said with a wink.

I knew what that meant.

After I ran Jen's errand I took her back to her apartment and then headed for Oakhurst Drive to see if I could talk to Mindy Porter. Horace Busby had said she accompanied Debra Snow to one of The Immoral Society's parties up in Nichols Canyon.

I got to Buena Vista Bungalows around noon. It was a small complex of bungalows surrounding a pool in the center of the courtyard.

I stepped out of my car carrying a box...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 182

Requiem For A Stripper #182

"Ah, it's okay," I said as I poured her a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "You want some bacon and eggs?"

"Mmm, that sounds good, " she said, taking a sip of the hot java.

I got the bacon and eggs out of the icebox and Jen asked me, "So, what's on the agenda today?"

"Whatever you want," I replied.

"I really just want to be lazy today. I usually use Sunday to rejuvenate myself."

I nodded, "Okay. I actually have a lead to check out, so I can drop you by your apartment after breakfast, then run my errand."

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 181

Requiem For A Stripper #181

I got up and went to the kitchen to make some coffee and start breakfast. I could hear Jen Ann shuffling out of bed.

"It is too early in the morning to be awake," she said as she stumbled into the kitchen. "I didn't even know six o'clock came twice a day."

I grinned, "I guess not when you spend most of the night in a club."

"Do you get up this early?" she asked as she sat down at my little kitchen table.

"Sometimes. If I get awakened by a woman screaming or something."

"Sorry about that," she said...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 180

Requiem For A Stripper #180

I woke up to find Jen Ann screaming in her sleep. I shook her awake.

"Jen! Wake up!"

She bolted up. She was practically gasping for breath.

"Oh God, Jake!" she said as she collapsed onto me.

"It's okay, Jen," I said as I stroked her hair.

"I had a nightmare that someone was after me," she said in between breaths.

"Shhh, it's okay. I've got you. Nothing's going to happen to you."

I looked at the clock. It was 6:48 in the morning. The sun was trying to muscle its way in through the cracks in the window shade...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 179

Requiem For A Stripper #179

We went to bed and I held her while she sobbed until she went to sleep. I stared at the ceiling wondering when or if another stripper's body was going to turn up. I told Jen Ann we'd assume the others were alive until we heard otherwise, but I was pretty sure they were already dead. I just hoped I could figure this out before a new girl went missing.

I finally dozed off and dreamt that I was back in the war, completely surrounded by Germans and out of ammo. Then a bomb came screaming down from the sky...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 178

Requiem For A Stripper #178

Jen Ann brought her hand to her mouth. "What...happened?"

"She had a stab wound in her back. The coroner said she was dead before she went in the water."

She had tears starting in her eyes.

"Look, until they find the other girls' bodies, including Honey, we're going to assume they're still alive, okay?"

That didn't seem to help. I went back to the couch and took her in my arms. She sobbed until she got it all out of her system.

She had said she wasn't even that close to Honey. I think she was more worried about herself...

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Jake Randolph in "Requiem For A Stripper" Pt. 177

Requiem For A Stripper #177

Jen Ann was looking at me with sleepy eyes. Her make-up was smeared and her hair looked like a rhododendron bush after a hurricane, and she still resembled a fashion model.

"What is it, Jake?"

"Nothing. Let's go to bed."

"Jake, people don't call at 4:30 in the morning for nothing."

I didn't want to tell her, because her mind would instantly go to Honey being murdered as well. But that was looking more and more likely, and maybe Jen Ann needed to face up to that.

"Debra Snow from The Giant Clam. They fished her outa the harbor."