zombiekiller avatar

The Skaggerston Nightmares #88


Dawn. The crumbling tower blocks looked particularly beautiful this morning. Polluted clouds rolled past, withered pigeons searching for sustenance in the concrete wastes.

Nathan sat on a swing in the rusted, decaying playground and lit a cigarette. As he took a drag, he noticed his hand was shaking.

Inside the pirate ship climbing frame, wrapped inside three bin-liners, was Charlotte, his girlfriend.

He'd said he didn't want the baby when she'd tearfully confessed her pregnancy to him. He couldn't look after a child. Not at fifteen.

A disagreement had ensued. She'd stopped breathing.

And so had her unborn baby.

2 comments add one below

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    Chris Walker almost 9 years ago

    Incredible atmosphere, very bleak. Amazing how just 100 words can change your mood. Love it :-)

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    Iarwain Olofsson over 8 years ago

    Extremely dense and moving.
    Very well done.

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