zombiekiller avatar

The Skaggerston Nightmares #37


Eight days he'd been missing. Eight days where 86-year-old Mervyn Shaddock's family had worried, sure they'd never see him again. The police search had been widened to include an area within 20-miles of his last sighting at The Manor residential home.

Officers searching Spatchcock Heath, a well-known hotspot for doggers and outdoor sex enthusiasts, were somewhat surprised to hear a ringing mobile phone near some bushes.

On further investigation, they found clothing, a picnic rug, and, on top of the rug, a bollock naked Mervyn Shaddock atop an elderly lady who had also been reported missing.

2 comments add one below

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    John Judge about 9 years ago

    At least he went happy! (",)

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    Peter Muscutt about 9 years ago

    Ah, you've read it as if the chap is dead! I never intended that, but after eight days missing I guess he would be. Ah well that worked out quite nicely.

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