zombiekiller avatar

The Skaggerston Nightmares #32


Donald Summers sat in the back room of the pub, watching the bare knuckle boxing match on a small black and white monitor. A self-made millionaire, he'd bet a cool £1 million on Alec Crufts. How he'd longed to get one over on his business rival, Gordon Bayleaf.

And now, with the earpiece he'd given to Crufts to convey his commands, he was quids in.

The fourth round. Crufts was taking a beating, just as he'd instructed.
"Go down on the next punch" Summers whispered.

But Crufts didn't. He rebelled. And cost Summers a million notes in the process.

2 comments add one below

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    John Judge about 9 years ago

    nice. you should probably follow this up at some point.

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    Peter Muscutt about 9 years ago

    Yeah, I think it needs more resolution, which is hard to get into a 100 word tale. There'll be more with Alec Crufts in the future...

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