zombiekiller avatar

The Skaggerston Nightmares #19


'It looks much better than it did before' Mr. Fulton reassured his wife, kindly.
He patted her hand and smiled sadly. Mrs. Fulton regarded her husband with wild, pleading eyes as she attempted to comprehend the disfigurement her mouth had suffered.
'Yes...we'll leave you to heal up, then complete the treatment soon' he concluded. She murmured something illegible through the rods, rivets, screws and implements that now held her jaw together.
'Quiet now petal, you need to rest for awhile' he explained, snapping off his rubber gloves.
He picked up the bloodied scalpel and tossed it in the filthy sink.

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    Brenda Evans about 9 years ago

    Though you've painted a gory picture, I really like the ones with the completely unexpected endings. I didn't see this one coming either. Great drabble!

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