zombiekiller avatar


'I just wish you wouldn't drink so much, Bill' June wailed.
'Sherrup woman! Gerrus anurra beer...' her husband slurred back.
'You've had enough!' she moaned.
'Don't make me raise my hand to you, bitch!'
June retreated to the kitchen as Bill kicked the coffee table over. Shaking, she took another can of Tennant's from the fridge, cracking the ring-pull.
Nervously, she took the vial of clear liquid from her pocket, emptying it into the can.
'Here you are love...' June said, presenting the can to her abusive husband.
Bill grunted, grabbed it and took a long pull.

June waited.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Ricky Moore about 10 years ago

    Tennants can be quite deadly with or without posion! Especially Super Tennants! Good one Peter!

  • avatar

    Peter Muscutt about 10 years ago

    I agree with that one Ricky! Although I was debating whether to make the drink Frosty Jack cider instead....a student favourite, that!

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    Bryan Thomas about 10 years ago

    Never heard of Frosty Jack... might have to investigate further. Nice drabble, Peter!

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    Nia Palmer almost 10 years ago

    A riveting scene. I think you could leave out the work "abusive" -- that is already implicit in his comment about raising his hand. Let the reader suss it out -- no need to be too obvious.

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