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You rush across the street, your feet making pitter-patter sounds on the asphalt. Cars scrape by you, splashing you with muddy water. The sound of their honking is deafening, but you ignore it. Nothing can distract you from your goal. Today may be your last chance. You will save them. Deep in sleep, your target doesn’t suspect a thing. Thunder roars in the background and lightning splits the sky, creating a perfect backdrop for murder. With expert precision, you slit his throat. Farmer Macdonald is dead. Farmer Brown is next. The job done, you head back to your coop.

3 comments add one below

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    Rodindeadpan over 9 years ago

    Awesome drabble and welcome Karen

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    Karen Wong over 9 years ago

    Thanks. Glad you liked it.

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    You are so good at the twist!

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