xavierblaq avatar


There is a place.
It is quite a place.
To remove all of your disgrace,
you need only a taste.
All the rest is just a waste.

There is a view.
It is quite a view.
I gather all of my crew
except for you.
I didn't think I'd have to.

There is a sound.
It is quite a sound.
It rises up from underground,
creating a mound.
That is more sad with every pound.

There is a plan.
It is quite a plan.
I left all my clan.
I did all I can,
so understand that's why I ran.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    T. Willemann about 9 years ago


  • avatar

    Brandon Sutton almost 9 years ago

    I was hoping for that effect Drew, I am glad I accomplished it! Thank you both for the comments!

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