xavierblaq avatar


Laying on the old, crumbling pavement was a homeless woman with no name and no face who no one would miss. And she was dead. She had no family (at least, none that cared about what she did anymore), no friends, and was utterly alone in the entire world. When she died, collapsing on the side of the road, the people walked on by, thinking she was just passed out, either from booze, drugs, or some other reason they didn't care about. But there was a life there. A mind, a body, and even a soul. And now its gone.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 9 years ago

    A sad comment on our society. Very nice job.

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    Head Over Writing about 9 years ago

    Very good. Poignant drabble.

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    Brandon Sutton about 9 years ago

    Thank you everyone for the kind words! It is good to be back Mr. M.

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