xavierblaq avatar


Jump in quickly and don't stop falling. Fall straight downward. Straight lines. Parallel lines. Parallel fates. Fate. Fate.

I can still feel the pain of the water rushing down my throat. The pain of my head slamming against the surface and bursting open. Stains in the fishbowl, to clean the stains on the globe. You still see that mark of the beast. Six sins, six times, six people hurt. Six virtues, six realities, six solutions.

Jump in quickly. You'll eventually stop falling. Instinct kicks in. Kicks you awake. Awake more than you've ever been. Take it all in. And burst.

3 comments add one below

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    Brandon Sutton over 9 years ago

    School, personal study, and life in general keeps getting in the way, but I miss being able to come on here and write. I hope I can find the time soon in the future. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy some of the experiments with style I hope to start posting on here.

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    John Judge over 9 years ago

    I really like the rhythm of this. These are the kinds of drabbles I want to write. You have some very interesting ideas.

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    Good to see you back. 'Looking forward to your experiments.

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