xavierblaq avatar

The Analects of BS


A wise man once said, "My name is Brandon, nice to meet you."

Fool me once same on you, fool me twice shame on you again for having the nerve to pull the same damn trick again, Dan!

To know for certain you aren't being tricked, always shoot the body at a funeral.

The best cure for a cold is lots of rest, plenty of fluids, and paying me $200. I promise.

One slang, and deragatory, term for television is "idiot box." I don't know why. After all, I watch television 24/7 and... ooooh, look at all the pretty pictures!

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    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    "To know for certain you aren't being tricked, always shoot the body at a funeral."

    Good advice! Sounds like the sort of thing Dave from, "John Dies at the End" would say! :-D

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    Brandon Sutton about 10 years ago

    Thanks! I've never seen that movie or read the book, but from its reputation I think I get what you mean!

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