xavierblaq avatar


Truly, garden paths lead the other ones, causing chaos in the branches of trees. Maybe the best case for garden paths is lowercase, because uppercase causes a strange adding of proper. Follow: that is the best policy; follow the road to the yellow bricks. Or the rabbit hole, or the rabbit's dug-out space underground. Can we please each other yet; please be adept. Garden paths are losing their space, and with the planets they didn't have much to begin with. This fight for power is absurd notions of the dictator's mind. Peace can work well and for no salary.

2 comments add one below

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    Brandon Sutton almost 10 years ago

    Another experiment in language, this time with garden path sentences, i.e. grammatically correct sentences that begin with words that can lead the reader to interpret the sentence wrong by leading them to a dead end.

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    Brandon Sutton almost 10 years ago

    Thanks! I am glad my experiments aren't turning out to be complete failures! It is encouraging.

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