xavierblaq avatar

Dream Sequences


I wake up, talking about this great dream I had where I was a hero and saved the damsel from disaster.

Then, I wake up and start talking about how I was just dreaming about this very conversation.

Again, I wake up, but this time my room is turned to a bar, and I order some water since I don't want to drink right then.

For a fourth time, I wake up, again in my room, but it is filled with clowns holding razor blades.

The next time, I wake up on a plane with Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page.

3 comments add one below

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    Mike Arnzen about 10 years ago


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    Brandon Sutton about 10 years ago

    Thanks Mike! I really try to be as crazy as possible with my dream stories.

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    Bryan Thomas about 10 years ago

    Dude, you have some weird dreams.

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