wtfhodor avatar


"Honey, can you buy this bag for me?"

"Sure thing," Arnold gulped as he fished out four hundred dollar bills from his worn-out, faux leather wallet that he'd been using since he was in university. His lips twitched, curling downwards at the sight of several smirking Benjamin Franklins, taunting him as he slid them towards the cashier. Beside him, his wife squealed in delight, grabbing the Prada paper bag before he could and sauntered off. He sighed, shoving a Lincoln and a quarter in his wallet before following after her.

Looks like he was going to work overtime again.

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    Neville Hunt over 8 years ago

    His missus sure likes his portraits.... pity he's forced to give them away. Welcome to Drablr, Kimi.

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