wittyjane96 avatar


She sits alone, her heart in her throat. She is curled in a ball in the corner of the dark room, her heart beating in her ears as she breaths in short pants. She hears nails scratch across the wooden floor.

It's coming for me, she thinks . It's going to get me.

She lets out a little whimper, barely a sound in the back of her throat, and sticks her thumb in her mouth so she doesn't make a sound. It moves closer still, barely a shadow on the floor.

She shrieks as the new puppy licks her face.

4 comments add one below

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    Rodindeadpan almost 10 years ago


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    Kate Gowers almost 10 years ago

    This reminds me of a true story (involving a mop...of sorts and my own daughter) - hmm...watch this space (thanks for the inspiration!)

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    Jim M almost 10 years ago

    I really like this- fantastic juxtaposition and deep emotive language which makes the last line so much more rewarding (and a bit of a relief ha ha). Thank you

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    Michael D. Brooks over 9 years ago

    Loved it!

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