willemann avatar

The Andersen Chronicles #5


Where I live, the sun doesn’t bother to get up until eight o’clock and only stays afloat a mere nine hours. Then it retreats and in doing so, it leaves us vitamin D deprived, coldblooded and depressed.
In this state of darkness, both figurative and real, we lie our asses off in surveys on happiness and conjure up stuff like rye bread, minimalistic furniture and beer, which we claim, is probably the best in the world; it really isn’t.
Kierkegaard advocated walks as a preventive measure against depression and a catalyst for thinking.
So I’ll walk, think and be cured.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. over 9 years ago

    Owning a dog helps immensely with this! You walk even when you don't want to,
    and in any kind of weather!

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    Olga Klezovitch over 9 years ago

    Greetings from Seattle, the NW capital of rain and gray clouds!

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    T. Willemann over 9 years ago

    Thanks y’all!
    Life on the 56th parallel north is actually quite nice, though sometimes I wouldn’t mind giving up a little social security for a slightly warmer climate and a few more hours of daylight.

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