willemann avatar

The Andersen Chronicles #3


Stepping out of the shower, I find myself face to face with a naked man, tall, dark blond hair, sad green eyes. Saying nothing, he reaches for my towel.
I dry myself, and he watches, slowly fading away.
In the Metro, I sit down; open my book to the dialog between Golyadkin and Doctor Rutenspitz.
Nearing my destination the train slows. I look up. The tall man is next to me. He closes his book, gets up, exits.
I work all day at the law research library, alone.
But, as I go home on the train, the tall man returns.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. over 9 years ago

    This has a very sad tone. I was waiting for more from the tall man, but this
    isolation of non-interacting works so well. I read it a few times. A good one!

  • avatar

    T. Willemann over 9 years ago


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