wearpurple avatar


Purrcival Pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat. He took some honey and plenty of money, wrapped up in a five-pound note.

The moon peeped out from behind the clouds, revealing a sinister soul. "WTF! You're not The Owl!" protested Purrcival.

"Just call me Slash," it said.

"Oh dear," proclaimed Purrcival, "I must confess I didn't bring you any lunch...whatever you are."

"No matter. You'll do!" it screamed, burying its runcible spoon deep into Purrcival's preponderant paunch.

"I just love pussycats, especially when stewed with carrots and onions," it duly declared of the deftly dissected departed.

8 comments add one below

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    Michael Cook about 3 years ago

    Fantastic Alan!

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    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago

    Love it! Welcome to Drablr, Alan. Let’s have more like this. The Drablr community seems to like a trip or seven to Dystopia! And, yours truly excepted, they seem to like cats too.

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    VerityAlways about 3 years ago

    Welcome to Drablr, Alan! this is a great piece, loved your choice of words!!

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    Alan Toney about 3 years ago

    Thanks Michael, Neville and Verity for your words of welcome.
    More Dystopia follows...

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    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago


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    Neville Hunt about 3 years ago

    Loving the alliterations!

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    Frenchie about 3 years ago

    Me too. The alliterations are what I noticed first and they give such a nice flow to the story.
    Poor Purrcival!

    A bit late, but welcome to Drablr, Alan.😀

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    Christopher about 3 years ago

    Very nice. A much-belated welcome to Drablr. I'm always a bit late to these welcoming parties!

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