verityalways avatar



What would you say ...

When you eye a daunting stack of two 4 inch bake tower dolled up with biscoff crumbs and a generous serving of biscoff sauce - Honest thought a dense heavy dessert enough to evaporate the remnants of Shakshuka.

Also, dreading the choice as you take pride in choosing dessert for the lunch companion...

When your feeble attempt at tasting throws an unexpected amalgamation of fluffiness, sweetness from the sauce topping and a slight crunch of the biscoff a fantastic tailwind.

I would say a Japanese jiggly souffle biscoff pancake gave me the hangover i never dreamt!

4 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways 3 months ago

    Sorry for the random food cravings that keep kicking - one from the archived memory

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    They're great but they make me hungry!

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    VerityAlways 3 months ago

    Thank you, Christopher for visually devouring

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    Neville Hunt 2 months ago

    They’re selling biscoff choc ices on a stick over here... buy one get one free in one store. Why stop at just buying one?

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