verityalways avatar



Friends say ASMR is both - friend and torture to the deprived.
I plow through the endless list of #ASMR tagged fantasy clips and dig into the food section.
Unfiltered adjectives roll out - awful, traumatizing, thorough and tantalizing

How can a brioche sizzled with butter in an iron skillet
loaded with mozzarella and cheddar
topped with tomato confit and a generous drizzle of pepper honey
grilled to a fault to achieve the perfect brown black
and crisp crumbly texture
dished and cut in halves
with the honey and cheese melting on the plate
can make one hungry?
See what I did?

8 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways 3 months ago

    Hello! How are you doing?
    Forgive my writing, ive gone rusty

    I hope to read your drabbles soon...

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    Hi, Verity! Glad to see you back. Of course, I was gone for eight months. I just didn't feel like writing or even reading. I'm still trying to catch up with everything.

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    VerityAlways 3 months ago

    Pleasure to be back, Christopher!
    Hope to keep adding...

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    Brian Mackinney 3 months ago

    Welcome back. I enjoy the company of all of you.

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    Thanks, Brain. Likewise.

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    Christopher 3 months ago

    Sorry, Brian. Autocorrect changed your name to Brain!

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    VerityAlways 3 months ago

    Indeed Drablr is a very cherished place

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    Neville Hunt 2 months ago

    I learnt a new acronym today.

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