verityalways avatar


“Wonderful bracelets, different symbols, they are very unique”

“Thank you, that’s true, every bead holds a tale…
“It stared with the favourite blue beads, added these 2 dove charms, me and my sister, the black beads, each symbol carries the initial of my family
The blue eye and knotted threads, rebellious teenage
The leather bands, borrowed first, remained, didn’t want to forget even after…”

She continues.. showing the set of converted zipper chains, narrating more tales…

And i remain in wonder how a bunch of beads resonate a ballad, joy, love, hurt. A wave of emotions wrapped in a wrist…

5 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways about 1 year ago

    Met a lovely co-passenger and she unravelled her life along the journey, the bracelets were just my mix….

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    Jamie Clapperton about 1 year ago

    'A Wave of emotions wrapped in a wrist.' Love that Verity. ;-)

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    Christopher about 1 year ago

    I agree with Jamie. Well done, Verity.

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    VerityAlways about 1 year ago

    Thank you both

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    Michael Cunliffe 8 months ago

    Captures the intrigue of wrist charms really well. I don't use one but it adds a little to my understanding of people who pay a fortune for a symbol of a memory. Beautifully crafted.

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