verityalways avatar


Perfect Monday - escaped the rains, got the lift on time to the top floor and found a striking woman on the parallel elevator. My morning joy swiftly dissolves when the "excuse me's" push me to the end. I'm afraid i'll lose track of her.
Lucky though, the elevators ding through the 4th - she catches me, 7th - a smile tips her lips, 9th - smirk and knowing eyes, 15th - my elevator empties and I hold the doors open for her to cross.
She smiles and says "I'm here".
Lights go off. Forever.

Last night fun with ouija
"Myrtle Malone will you come?"

8 comments add one below

  • avatar

    VerityAlways about 1 year ago

    Horror can be addictive.... Hope you'll are well and shall read yours soon.

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    Neville Hunt about 1 year ago

    Still trying to understand, but will continue to do so...

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    Richard Hunt about 1 year ago

    Like Neville, still trying to understand this!

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    Jamie Clapperton about 1 year ago

    I Get an eerie sense of 'Is that really her' when the narrator is watching the woman from the elevator, even without knowing who she was. The amiguous ending is a bit scary. :-)

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    VerityAlways about 1 year ago

    Sorry please excuse my poor writing - too many horror flicks and numbers have numbed my brain.

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    VerityAlways about 1 year ago

    So protagonist was playing with ouija board last night and was joking about asking myrtle Malone (ghost) to meet. He didn’t know it was Malone in the opposite elevator - wish came true in death….

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    Jamie Clapperton about 1 year ago

    Nothing to apologize about Verity . Ambiguity can be interesting! :-)

  • avatar

    Jamie Clapperton about 1 year ago

    Guess we were typing at the same time.

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