verityalways avatar


The closet was the best place, a dark, dim room. No one can breathe long. I'll have to wait. Footsteps hush near.
"Come out"
"Tsk, where are you??"
I shut my eyes, sweat masks my temples.
Then it happened- one thud, my eyes moistened, I restrained; crawling a bit another hard blow, en pointe, my eyes welled. I snaked towards the last, thinking it would stop, but the inevitable final thud was a surprise, excruciating, I cried.
The closet door opened.
"V? Gosh, look at you."
I cried harder.
"Why are you crying?"
I held the three of them.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt over 1 year ago

    Hehe! Coathangers are really interesting items. They can get close to some of the swankiest, some of the sauciest and some of the seediest of items of fashion and remain unaffected. Thanks for posting, Verity. True story?

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    Jamie Clapperton over 1 year ago

    Ouch ouch ouch! Glad it didn't end up being 'Death by coat hanger Verity! :-)

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    VerityAlways over 1 year ago

    Yes by experience, Neville!

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    VerityAlways over 1 year ago

    Another blow Jamie then surely the Death!

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