verityalways avatar



I know hate is a pretty strong word for 'The new york cheesecake', but I still can't like it, not even a bite.
No amount of persuasion could make me believe this plain suede dessert is a temptress, not even when it had a generous drizzle of jus.
After much negation and negotiation, we settled for Mississipi mud pie. And needless to say, loved it.
An almost burnt sable cut sharply through the sweeter mousse texture in the pie, and a slight sprinkle of salt sent my senses reeling. It was heaven in every bite! Add a macchiato - I'll surrender.

10 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways over 1 year ago

    Thank you for reading, i hope to read yours soon!
    Guessing this is 20th or 21st in the Délicieux series, thanks for tagging along!

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    Jamie Clapperton over 1 year ago

    Made me feel like some of that pie. Had some Mud cake once and it was so delicious that I didn't care if it had real mut in it. ;-)

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    Neville Hunt over 1 year ago

    Wow, Verity! You sure like your puds, as we say over here! (NY cheesecake excepted!)

  • avatar

    VerityAlways over 1 year ago

    True, Jamie wouldn’t mind if it had real mud 😅
    Thanks, Neville. I do

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    Christopher over 1 year ago

    My mom used to make Mississippi mud cake a lot. Never had it in pie form. Oddly enough, we lived in Mississippi for a few months when I was a kid and she never made it while we were there!

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    Neville Hunt over 1 year ago

    Something must have been Mississipping, Christopher!

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    VerityAlways over 1 year ago

    It’s worth a google. But I’ve never tried the cake! I’ll correct it

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    Christopher over 1 year ago


    It's quite good, Verity.

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    Frenchie over 1 year ago

    It almost makes me regret that I don't like cakes that much! But I love savoury pies, LOL.
    Nice one, Verity 😊

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    VerityAlways over 1 year ago

    Thanks Frenchie! I hope you convert ;-)

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