verityalways avatar


While heading home, I stopped at the station store to grab a quick snack. A boy in his late teens appeared. Maybe migrant, hands dirty by mopping, but what struck me was his impeccable fluency in English. He quickly spat out the total. I gave him the money, and he passed the change. I wanted to ask but would've looked like a sour journalist. Giving money would've been an insult. I was paralyzed and trapped in unfamiliar helplessness.
I didn't have contacts or how I could help.
I send a silent prayer.

Only if I had the influence and power...

4 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Thank you, Christopher, Jeff and Richard!

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    Jamie Clapperton about 2 years ago

    Hi Verity. Worth googling homelessness charities where you are. If giving money may seem an insult , offering to buy a meal or even a hot drink may be helpful.

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Thank you, Jamie. This was very faraway from home and had to catch the next connecting transport. Hence 45 seconds.
    This was an epiphany and moulded my outlook. lll take your wise advice.

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Thank you, Alec

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