verityalways avatar

Miss Killer


I open outlook to see what is hot, aka what Killer wants ASAP^ASAP while deciphering the mumbo jumbo and cautiously replying to the requirements. I am startled by a sudden movement. A spider, unaware, finds my silver sheen laptop to be a ballroom. I don't seem intimated because he isn't here to bite, so I let him have it. Waltzing across the keyboard to only land on the screen and identify a long lost cousine, another tarantula. This Tarantula is no ordinary- she bites, leaves marks and is busy weaving a web of work for those who suffer from Killarachnophobia.

5 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Thank you for reading.
    Apologies, I know this deserves a snort* haven't written in a while, my mind has been a mosaic, and I'll read yours very soon.

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Charlotte* is a spider, and apologies Jamie, your protagonist, is a prop in Killer's puppetry.

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    Christopher about 2 years ago

    She sounds like a real peach to work for.

    I haven't been writing much either. I wanted to try and post one a day but that went out the window fairly quickly. My intentions were good, though.

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Thank you, Christopher!
    sorry I've been busy and couldn't log in to check notifications and reply. And one of your Drabble of the Day from Jake series itches my mind to read.

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    VerityAlways about 2 years ago

    Thank you, Brian!

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