verityalways avatar

Dandelion Diaries #4


I’m cheering for my granddaughter, who’s leading the game. And there, she won! Everybody showers her with applause, and she gets awarded.
Her eyes settle on me, and her lovely smile melts my heart, and she knows it. She smiles even broader, even if I didn’t reciprocate.
Instead, I continue clapping, slowly and steadily, like the entire game.

Odd, you think?
Yes, as I hear and smell sympathies from a distance when you see my trembling hands, leaving a bitter taste.

My expressions, now numb
but believe this handsome
let love and optimism
this unsaid chasm
by Parkinson’s problem

11 comments add one below

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    Tell me, didn’t I smile through my eyes and claps when I smelled the aroma and echo of victory? As I feel it, It does taste sweet.

    Thank you for reading! This was written as an ode to people living with Parkinson's Disease.

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    Frenchie over 2 years ago

    Very touching, Verity. I really really felt it. 🧡

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    Neville Hunt over 2 years ago

    This is indeed very touching, Verity, as Frenchie has written. My father-in-law suffered from Parkinson’s for the last ten years of his life and so this resonates with me, even though his symptoms were not trembles, possibly a function of his medication. But it was nonetheless really hard for him and mother-in-law at the very end.

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    sully over 2 years ago

    Great alliteration and touching subject, odes are a great form for writing

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    Thank you Frenchie, Neville and Sully.

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    Brian Mackinney over 2 years ago

    It’s not easy when you behave in an unexpected way.

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    Thank you, Brian and Neville.
    My grandpa suffers from Parkinson's, and before the doctor's confirmation, he had those trembling hands and the tremors, which were noticed and sometimes subject to unwanted and ugly sympathetic looks that would mar your confidence. I used to get really annoyed when people interjected with their opinions and would diagnose and prescribe on possibilities.

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    But, he used to just nod and move on without a word.
    Now, on medications for more than 4 years, his tremors are rare, and he manages to do general exercises and is active. He goes to a club where I met some 50's odd person who had facial masking (stiff face, no expressions). The progressive it is...

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    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    And when I received the prompt, "senses" I knew my mind would spiral to this.

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    Christopher over 2 years ago

    Very moving.

  • avatar

    VerityAlways over 2 years ago

    Thank you, Christopher

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