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Me: Whilst pondering my next drabble I spot a snail on the face of my garden wall. At first I think the snail is motionless, but further scrutiny sees its path describing an arc. An arc which develops into a spiral. I think of the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, whose ratio to adjacent numbers strictly adheres to what is known as the Golden Ratio. Is the path of this seemingly simple organism being influenced by the same naturally occurring forces that influence the vortex of tornados? Thus aligning it with some of life's most powerful, yet beautiful creations?

Snail: Weeeeeeeee.

4 comments add one below

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    Jamie Clapperton over 4 years ago

    😁 😁

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    shaun over 4 years ago

    Cheers, mate. Now I'm going to need to search for Snailsbury TalesπŸ˜‰

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    Christopher over 4 years ago

    This one made me chuckle.

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    shaun over 4 years ago

    Thanks for taking the time out to read ad respond, Christopher.

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