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Dale packs the chute himself, and it doesn't leave his sight, except for when he has to piss...again.

'First time?' The stranger at the next urinal asks, startling him.

'No! I've pissed loads.' He replies before returning to the hanger.

His chute's where he'd left it but he checks the anchor points and flaps to ensure nobody's interfered with it. After all, a man's life depends on his chute opening.

At 11000 feet Dale smiles as he tumbles, free falling. The rush is exhilarating. He's never felt so alive. He's not wanting it to end, but he knows it will.

4 comments add one below

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    Jamie Clapperton over 4 years ago

    The third paragraph made me giggle.
    Then the ambiguity of the last line...

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    shaun over 4 years ago

    That really is the beauty of such a small word count. You can set one tone and then so easily switch it. Thanks for giving my words your time...not that we all don't suddenly have an abundance of it. Stay safe😷

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    Christopher over 4 years ago

    Yeah, the ambiguity of the last line is powerful. Well done, Shaun.

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    shaun over 4 years ago

    It's nice when we can get it to work, but it would be great if it were a bit more often.

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