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The kid had been looking forward to it all day. Ever since he realised he could do it, he'd been doing it every chance he got.

He casually rubbed along its length as he enjoyed the feelings. The familiar girth felt natural. It belonged in his fist and as he looked down he gave a couple of gentle, exploratory strokes. Hard and fast? Or a slow relaxing session? Either way his balls were ready for what was to come.

He counted himself so lucky. Having a pool table at home was great, but to have his own cue was awesome.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    You're a naughty boy, Shaun! I knew you were not playing with yourself....just your readers...but I didn't know what the twist could be until I read it! Nice one :-)

  • avatar

    shaun about 8 years ago

    Cheers chap.

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