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Convoluted #4


Behind their lover's sheet she sobs.
The husband; ashamed. The wife; saddened. Only their young lover seeing clearly.
With a gentle force he lowers the sheet. All three now truly revealed.
His fingers trace her breasts, and with this touch the husband and wife begin to see as he does.
Their eyes see their own flaws, not one another's, and within them a forgotten passion stirs.
The three lovers upon the bed now play out their destiny as the sheet absorbs the sweat of this renewed lust.
From across the room the girl watches. Psyche to her Cupid. Job done.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Cracking stuff, Shaun!

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    shaun about 8 years ago

    Thanks Neville.

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    shaun about 8 years ago

    Thanks again for your time reading and responding.

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