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She made her way to his room.
She would share herself with him tonight.
Positioning herself over his mouth, her legs holding softly, the tips of her cerci caressed him as he slept.
Her segmented abdomen rubbed along his mouth; the two-pronged organ at her rear gripping him as she trembled and moistened his lips.
Cockroaches were generally reviled, but he had avoided standing on her this morning; she knew he was different.
Her compound eyes watched as her pheromones woke him. Typical male, she mused.
Alongside, his wife slept on, oblivious to her adulterous husband; the diehard entomologist.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    The dirty git! Nice one again, Shaun.

  • avatar

    shaun about 8 years ago

    Takes all sorts. Thanks guys.

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    Anthony J Bufort about 8 years ago

    A cock-cophony of creepiness, comedy, and cleverness. Nicely done, Shaun!

  • avatar

    shaun about 8 years ago

    Cheers again.

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