thewordclimber avatar

Crimes against Humanity


They'd been laying there for days watching and waiting. The villagers hadn't noticed them as they peered through the undergrowth with their SMGs and rifles cocked.

Just after sunset on the third day they recieved the call they'd been waiting on.

The first to open up were the silenced snipers picking off anyone still outside the mudhuts, several small children began to cry.

Next the unit stalked from hut to hut silently executing everyone inside; man, woman and...

The crying stopped.

They dragged the bodies into a huge heap and doused them in petrol.

Their orders were clear, no witnesses.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    S J Gunn about 8 years ago

    Nooo! How cruel! But this doesn't mean to say it doesn't or didn't happen ;-(

  • avatar

    Neville Hunt about 8 years ago

    Gruesome....Rwanda, maybe?

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