themadwoman avatar


I can go on little sleep, it's such a waste of time. The light is good company and never talks back.

Zelda's mind drifts into her plan, "it's got to be fool proof!"

Quickly the light shoots out of the room, leading Zelda down the dark and quiet hall. No one is stirring, the night staff is even slacking, she notes.


Slipping behind the staff's door left ajar, she spies Nurse Mary's schedule. She's got to make up a sick day...

No leaving evidence when one needs this necessary essential.
Zelda's trusted light etches the schedule into her memory.

4 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Richard Charles Davidson almost 10 years ago

    Great stuff, Kathy.
    Looks like you might want to edit full proof --> fool proof.

  • avatar

    Kathy almost 10 years ago

    @Richard Charles Davidson, - lol thanks, but hey I didn't make a mistake, Zelda the crazy woman did. But I'm always fixing her mistakes, just wait n' see! lol :D

  • avatar

    Kathy almost 10 years ago

    OH and thx btw :)

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    I always look forwarding to logging on here and reading more about Zelda! Good stuff as always, Kathy. :-)

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