themadwoman avatar


As Zelda opened her eyes, remembering what had happened. She was cheated out of her day, food, and visitation!

Dr Hahn entered her room, "The new nurse left early, here's your pill Zelda."

"Thank you Dr. Hahn." Zelda calmly replied."

Her light smiled and winked at her as it split and hid inside the doll's eyes.

As night set in, Zelda awaited for complete silence. Her mind reeling with her plot against Nurse Mary.
With everyone asleep, Zelda slipped into the medication room. Access to pink pills, and a syringe.

Back in her room, the eyes smile, the leg full

3 comments add one below

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    Horrorshow almost 10 years ago

    Zelda is very dangerous! :O

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    Bryan Thomas almost 10 years ago

    Looking forward to pt 5!

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    Kathy almost 10 years ago

    @Horrorsho - Yes, I don't think I'd turn my back to her ha.. :) thank you!
    @Bryan Thomas, thanks, it's in the works.

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