telosat avatar


On the seven seas I'm known as Big Beardy Dave
‘cos I’m big, called David and I never shave
I’ll tell you for why,
I once gave it a try,
But the ship lost its balance and I lost an eye

Oh, the pirate’s life is the life for me
But it gets a bit tricky when I need a wee
Or even a poo,
There’s sharks in the loo
Now me leg’s made of wood and me bottom is too

I’m scurvy sea-scum
Full of biscuits and rum
And I’ll plunder and pillage! (But don’t tell me mum).

7 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Jonathan Mills about 9 years ago

    Adapted pirate song (cut to fit)

  • avatar

    D.M. about 9 years ago

    You had fun with this! I love the line in brackets.

  • avatar

    Jonathan Mills about 9 years ago

    Thanks for reading.

  • avatar

    Julie about 9 years ago

    Loved it!

  • avatar

    Jonathan Mills about 9 years ago

    thanks for reading

  • avatar

    Jonathan Mills almost 9 years ago


  • avatar

    Iarwain Olofsson over 8 years ago

    Reading this I perceived
    that you have achieved
    the finest of arts
    to weld language (parts)
    together and make
    no single mistake
    in rhythm nor measure.
    Thanks! - It's been a pleasure.

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