telosat avatar

Wasteland Tales #63


Darkness presses around him, hungry, crushing black. The car crumples, buckles, disappears- digested.
His skin sloughs away, mere waste and disposed of as such. He ignores it. He can grow more- if he survives.
All his energy reserves focus on auto repairs, holding his cyberframe together. It’s a losing battle. The power drain is enormous, unending. Maybe 17 seconds before his internal reactor fails.
Got to make it count.
Lizard’s mind reaches out. This close, he finds the implant at once.
He completes the hack.
His body hangs in the dark, hanging grimly to existence.
His mind is somewhere else.

2 comments add one below

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    Great last line!

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    Jonathan Mills over 9 years ago

    Thanks, more to follow soon I hope.

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