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Wasteland Tales #52


Ruined walls shatter like glass. The air fills with choking, cloying dust. Blind instinct takes over. Enraged machines open fire on an unseen enemy. Luckless first responders explode into chunks of bloody metal, anger dying with them.
More explosions in the darkness. More casualties.
Reinforcements boil from the Hole, furious wasps protecting a hive, their screaming almost drowned out by the fatal cacophony.
As quickly as it began, it’s over. The night grows still. Weapons quiet.
Minutes pass. The threat is over. Reinforcements retreat.
Or try to.
A golden energy field blocks the way back.
Inside, the Fury screams alone.

5 comments add one below

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    Jonathan Mills over 9 years ago

    Meh synonyms.

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    'Like the wasps!
    (Perhaps a word like "raw" for the second blind/ for instinct, or just plain instinct?)

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    Jonathan Mills over 9 years ago

    Swapped blinding for cloying, like blind instinct better than blinding dust. Thanks DM - usually I try to vary the words used, that one slipped through.

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    'Done it a million times, esp. when I hit one hundred words, like the finish line, and then automatically post. Cloying is perfect!

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    Jonathan Mills over 9 years ago

    Think I was concentrating on not using the words "explosion" or "rage" so much that I missed it. As I said at the time - meh, synonyms. Thanks again for catching this one, hope you enjoyed reading it.

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