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Wasteland Tales #47


Witch looks him over, expressionless. The gaping hole in his chest is starting to rebuild itself, but she can see coarse black dirt through the place where his spine ought to be.
“Does that hurt?”
“Does what hurt?”
She snorts. “I still think it was a stupid plan.”
“It guaranteed an acceptable level of success. You weren't detected?”
“No.” She disappears. She reappears. “That's why you gave me a cloaking field.”
“There were hundreds of them. They’d have spotted you without a distraction.”
"And you don't have one because...?"
He sighs. "Hardware incompatibility."
“Whatever. There’s stuff you need to see.”

4 comments add one below

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    Jonathan Mills over 9 years ago

    I'm not 100% sold on the need for this part, to be honest. It explains the plan and closes some plot holes, but maybe slows the action down too much. It highlights Witch's irreverence to Lizard's logic and capacity for self-sacrifice, but maybe makes it the tone a bit - jokey. Not that jokey is bad, just maybe out of keeping with the rest of the series. I'd be really interested to see what people think, so please comment if you like it or don't like it.

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    D.M. over 9 years ago

    When she asks if it hurts, it does show her concern for him. Difficult to tell if it is needed without reading more...

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    Richard Charles Davidson over 9 years ago

    Perfectly needed, Jonanthan. Sometimes we need valleys between the peaks and it gives the reader character insight. Hard to care about the action if we don't care about the characters. And this part makes us continue to care, with bringing a sense of closure about what happened in the battle.

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    Jonathan Mills over 9 years ago

    Thanks both, hopefully more to come soon.

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