telosat avatar

Wasteland Tales #46


Not a hero.

His creator’s words echo in the blackness behind his eyes. Distantly, he feels movement. He waits.

Not a hero.

Not that he’s ever thought of himself as one. He looks like a man but that doesn't change what he is. He’s a machine, created for one purpose.

Close the eye we gave the world.

A strange quest. But it still binds him.

Not a hero.

He waits.

A survivor.

He opens his eyes. Witch stares down at him.

“Good morning.”

They've brought him where he needs to be. Inside the Hole.

No need to play dead anymore.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    D.M. over 9 years ago

    Your last lines have such finesse.

  • avatar

    Jonathan Mills over 9 years ago

    Thanks a lot DM, I try to make them punchy.

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