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The man sidled up to the enquiries desk as if bearing a burden of some importance. Catching the clerk’s eye, he relieved himself.
“Do you sell fridges?” he asked, shortly.
The clerk wilted a little under the attention.
“Uh, no sir, I don’t think we do.”
“Says on the door you do,” the man sniffed.
“Um – does it?”
“Yeah, above the door. And co’s too, but I don’t want none of them.”
The clerk tried to think. Then it came. “That’s the shop’s name sir. Selfridges.”
“Oh,” said the man, then “I was gunna say, you spelled it wrong.”

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Horrorshow about 10 years ago

    Almost reminiscent of Monty Python which for me is no bad thing. :-)

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    Jonathan Mills about 10 years ago

    Thanks. This was my first go at a drabble, think it turned out pretty well.

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