tdminor2017 avatar


Waves surface on the shoreline, sounds of gulls ride the morning breeze. The rising sun filled the horizon with hues of yellows and reds.

“Could you stay longer?” Addy asked.

She hoped for an answer he couldn't give her.

“I would if I knew how,” Henry replied.

“Will you look for me when you return?”

“With all of my heart my love,” he reassured her misgiving.

He felt himself rising - waking up. Her image, their paradise, faded to nothingness.

Before his eyes opened, heartache took up residence. Until they are together again, reality and isolation bare his worldly name - loner.

3 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher about 7 years ago

    Wow. This is really beautiful. Welcome to Drablr, T.D.

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    T.D. Minor about 7 years ago

    Thank you so much Christopher I really appreciate it!

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    T.D. Minor about 7 years ago

    Thank you Drew Martyn!

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