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Magic #237


The storm abated late into the night. As the sands settled, the grinding roar turned into the hourglass whisper of time passing; as rivulets of ground stone ran down the sides of the needle-like spires.

Clora shook Minerva awake as soon as the winds outside the cave began to drop.

"Hurry! We must leave now, while we can! I will lead you out, but we must go now." She hissed, helping Minerva up. Inside the caravan, Rhian slept on as the stars shone down through the falling dust.

Quickly, quietly, they gathered camp and entered into the unnerving night.

2 comments add one below

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    Jamie Clapperton 9 days ago

    E.njoyed being unnerved by this very much Jeff 😃

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    Jeff Taylor 5 days ago

    Hi Jamie. Still here, as you know we caught COVID19 after a visit to Oxford on public transport. Much better now, hopefully back to writing soon.

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