talcyon avatar

Magic #228


The sand hissed constantly around the caravan, as Minerva kept an eye out for caves to park up in for the night.

She finally found one in the side of a swirling, deep-cut, canyon. Above, the towering spires of razor-sharp sandstone cut the darkening sky, casting the shadows of sunset across the range.

The sound of the wind changed slowly from a quiet moan, to a wail of oncoming storms. While she couldn't stop the sound, she could prevent the sand (And maybe water) from entering the cave by weaving a shield spell.

The rain came in haste.

2 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor 9 months ago

    Been a bit slow to write recently. Mainly because of the storms. My brain's been flopping around inside my skull casing screaming "We're gonna die!" because as far as it's concerned, outside has dropped 25mb and is now a hard vacuum. When it's not.

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    Christopher 2 months ago

    Very descriptive drabble.

    The weather doesn't affect me but other things do that keep me from even feeling like coming here to read, so I can relate somewhat.

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