talcyon avatar

Magic #223


Nothing came near the caravan during the night of note. The general air of menace, and danger, that emanated from Frankie's position underneath was more than enough to convince most denizens to stay away. The bigger hunters were smart enough to know that they shouldn't mess with humans anyway.

Minerva woke first and immediately started crushing beans in a pestle and mortar for a morning coffee. The Quartermaster had made sure that they were well stocked. Even the cold store had milk and fruit juice concentrate cubes for travelling.

She was, she admitted reluctantly, quite impressed with the Quartermaster's management.

2 comments add one below

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    Christopher almost 1 year ago

    Ahh, even in a fantasy world they start their day with coffee too!

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    Jeff Taylor 12 months ago

    Seriously Christopher, could you live in a world without coffee? 😊

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