talcyon avatar

Magic #220


The night terrors returned that night for Minerva.

Battle Witches, especially wielding foci like Minerva, got to experience the horror that high-level magics could wreak. They didn't just leave scars on skin...

Having held attack magic that day, dredged up memories that had been hard fought to put down. Buried. As deep as she could. Now, they bubbled and burbled through a nightmarish dreamscape of twisted flesh and melted bones.

In the real world she tossed and turned. And a drowsy daughter held out a hand to try and will away the nightmares that gripped her mother so tightly.

3 comments add one below

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    Christopher about 1 year ago

    Nice to see this making a return.

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    Jeff Taylor about 1 year ago

    Sorry to be away for so long... Again. 🫤

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    Christopher about 1 year ago

    Glad you're back.

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