talcyon avatar

Magic #219


Frankie's cold skull made of stone nudged Rhian's side, looking for reassurance from his mistress. He squawked gently and made a rurrling noise with his ghostly tongue as she turned and hugged him.

"You were a good boy! Mummy says so!"

Minerva stroked the faint blue feathers adorning the top of the ancient raptor's head. "Yes. Keep protecting your mistress like that you silly old thing."

He gently squeaked, happy.

"Yes, not bad for bones of stone."

Rhian sat up. "I'm tired mummy, me and Frankie need to sleep now." Minerva picked up her little girl and made her comfortable.

4 comments add one below

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    Christopher over 1 year ago

    Finally got caught up. Really enjoying this, Jeff.

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    I'm glad you're enjoying it. And if you haven't guessed it yet, yes, Frankie is a Velociraptor. Except I've tried to portray his size correctly. The ones in the movies are twice the size of the real thing and closer to a deinonychus.

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    Christopher over 1 year ago

    I leaned something new, then.

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    Be careful what you lean, it can be a bubble edged sward :)

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