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Magic #206


The caravan was a bit more colourful that Minerva had been expecting. It had obviously previously belonged to a gypsy, or maybe a travelling tinker. It wasn't... Gaudy. But the main colour was a brilliant sunflower yellow, with plenty of green and red.

Needless to say, Rhian loved it and squeaked with delight when the Quartermaster brought them to it. He'd smiled.

The inside of the caravan was a lot more sensible, with space for both to sleep as well as the tiniest kitchen she'd ever come across. Whatever space was left had been packed with various foods and sundries.

4 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 1 year ago

    Yellow and green... great colours (Norwich City FC colours!).... red too (Arsenal, my #2 because grandpappy played for them. The caravan sounds delightful... not at all like the ones we holidayed in 🥴.

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    Travelling in style! :) I'm not a football (Watching any sport to be honest) fan, so I'm glad I made someone happy! 😉 I'm envisioning one of those little wooden caravans, I'm sure you have the same one in mind. At least, I hope you do! 😊

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    Neville Hunt over 1 year ago

    Tbh, Jeff, I haven’t been to a football match for decades. I don’t watch sport on TV either. However, if one comes from the big city (Norwich of course), yellow and green is significant. I am imagining a delightful Romany wooden caravan, usually as smart within as without. Joyous; I would most happily travel in one!

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    Yep! That's the one! 😊

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