talcyon avatar

Magic #205


The quartermaster was yelling obscenely at a subordinate, before turning.


"I need a horse and caravan."

"Don't be stupid woman! We're evac..." He finally spotted Minerva's pips and ground to a halt.

"I realise that this is probably the most awkward time to make demands, but I am travelling east across the plain and I need a caravan and a horse. Also provisions for two."

"I, er..."

"I am under orders from the Matriarch. Don't make me invoke..." The quartermaster had turned away.

"You!" He screamed. "Caravan and a horse!" He grabbed another. "Provisions for two, now! Move it!"

2 comments add one below

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    Neville Hunt over 1 year ago

    That’s why I wouldn’t last long in the army! I like to make my own rules!

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    He's a good quartermaster 😊

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