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Magic #191


"I am arresting you for possession of weapons within the city walls!" Shouted the guard.

"Oh, my goodness! Gordon! What...?" The sergeant gasped an exasperated sigh. He clipped the soldier over the head. "Shut up private!" He shouted as Gordon yelped and grabbed his ear.

"Sorry ma'am. May I see your papers?" The sergeant quickly looked over the document that Minerva had been trying to present to the guard.

"That seems more than in order ma'am. Or should I say Sergeant Major?"

She smiled. "Ma'am is just fine sergeant."

He nodded and turned to Gordon. "Back on duty private! Now!!"

5 comments add one below

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    Just to be clear. I'm still alive, having not posted in a while. Caught an awful bug just after having my COVID/FLU vaccine. Typical.

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    Christopher over 1 year ago

    I see this was five months ago. Hope you're doing well now.

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    That was 5 months ago?! I'm "Fine" thank you! :)

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    Christopher over 1 year ago

    Time flies, doesn't it?

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    Jeff Taylor over 1 year ago

    Apparently I must be having "Fun" then 😉😊

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